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The Freelance series: Intro

Hi everyone! I've been freelancing for almost a year now and I thought what better way to kick off the blog with a journey! I'm also going to share some tips and tricks along the way explaining how I've come this far. My last post introducing the new blog I mentioned that I took about a year and a half to freelance. This post is going to be all about how that year went, I highly recommend reading if you're thinking of switching from a 9-5 to freelance or you don't know what's next for our career plans.  Making the switch from your monthly paid job to a freelance life can be daunting, but I made the leap and now I'd never look back.  How did it all start?  Do you just ever have a really bad day and decide that nope... The events of today can never repeat. I had a terrible day at my first job, at VUE Cinema. My manager just had the most  annoying attitude ever, the customers were rude and I was doing 3 hours overtime with my queue getting

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